Pinelabs No cost EMI Offers

Assured ₹500000* movie voucher and additional ₹2,500* worth of benefits

Offer highlights

  1. 100% upto ₹500 on PVR movie eGift card
  2. Rs. 100 worth of savings on Swiggy, Uber, Dominos eGift card.
  3. Rs. 500 worth savings on ITC-hotel & many more rewards.

Offer Timeline

  1. Start date: 14th November 2023, from 12:01 AM
  2. End date: Till offer lasts.

Who is eligible for this offer

  1. All users who do a successful Brand EMI transaction greater than ₹2,000 at a registered merchant on a PineLabs terminal are eligible for the offer.

How will I get the rewards

  1. On successful completion of a Brand EMI transaction, users will get the Fave promo codes, within 14 working days of the transaction, on their registered mobile number via WhatsApp/SMS.

What will I need to do to get the offer

  1. Step #1 Choose your product at your favorite merchant.
  2. Step #2 Purchase the product via No-Cost EMI/Brand EMI option, providing your mobile #, on the Pine Labs terminal.
  3. Step #3 Download Fave app and get automatically eligible for rewards up to ₹3,000.
  4. Step #4 Reward promo codes will be shared on your registered mobile via SMS / WhatsApp.
  5. Step #5 You are all set. Start using the promo codes on the respective brand gift cards.

How to Redeem Movie Voucher on Fave

How to Use Promo Code on Fave​

  1. On the Fave app choose the Gift Card, mentioned in the list below
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to select the amount of the desired Gift Card
  3. Apply the promo code sent on your mobile number by fave on Whatsapp on the “Review” page.
  4. The promo code value will be visible on the review page under the “Cashback to be credited to bank” section.
  5. Cashback amount will be credited to your bank account instantly after successful completion of the gift card transaction.

Terms & conditions of the offer

  1. Offer is valid only on Brand EMI transactions
  2. Offer is not valid on bank EMI transactions
  3. Offer is not valid for No EMI Only Cashback” transactions.
  4. The promo code is valid for only selected users.
  5. The promo code offer can be availed once per user per brand during the offer period.
  6. PVR eGift card promo code is valid for 4 days (23:59) from the date of delivery.
  7. Offer applicable once a user during the offer tenure.
  8. This offer is sponsored by Pine Labs for the benefit of Fave customers. Pine Labs reserves the right to modify/stop the offer at any moment based on its discretion.
  9. Promo codes are applicable on select* gift cards listed below. The promo code is not applicable on any gift card other than the ones mentioned below.

*Each gift card is subject to the brand T&Cs that are listed by the respective brands and the same will be mentioned on the Fave app. Please refer & review before your purchase. Pine Labs does not have any control on brand T&Cs and would not be liable for anything.

This offer is sponsored by Pine Labs for the benefit of Fave customers. Pine Labs reserves the right to modify/stop the offer at any moment based on its discretion.

This offer is sponsored by Pine Labs for the benefit of Fave customers. Pine Labs reserves the right to modify/stop the offer at any moment based on its discretion.

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Download Fave now and start saving on your payments!