
Maximize your savings whenever you shop

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on Fave

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App-Exclusive offers on 280+ brands

Buy gift cards on Fave

Get an instant discount

Use online or in-store

App-Exclusive offers on 280+ brands

Get upto 25% off
on your favourite brands

Lots to buy, less to spend

Save when you eat out or order online

Save when you shop

Save on your daily needs

Save no matter what you need

Save more with gift cards

Gift yourself

Gift cards aren’t just for giving. Start saving with gift cards.

Gift your loved ones

Choose from 300+ brands. There is a Fave gift card for every occasion.

Gift yourself

Gift cards aren’t just for giving. Start saving with gift cards.

Gift your loved ones

Choose from 300+ brands. There is a Fave gift card for every occasion.

How it works

Do more with Fave

More savings in your pocket


Pay, save & track your spends
